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Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Is the Best Linux for PS3?

Author: Jerry Plant

These days PlayStation 3 are competing with the modern day computers, so much so that these Ps3s have much more power and function in higher speeds as compared to computers. As compared to computers Ps3s have a total of 8 processing cores which are four times than what is present in the computer. Hence it is now possible to install Best Linux for PS3 covert the play station into a super computer with great ease with PS3Magic. Companies manufacturing the Ps3 know that these gaming machines can work only with Best Linux for PS3 and hence have built it accordingly.

It is not all difficult to install the Best Linux for PS3. The process is as simple as you would install software on a regular computer. To get the Linux installed on the computer additional software is not needed at all and all the content you already have on the hard drive can be retained as well. Back up of all the previously installed videos, games, and lots of other content that you had uploaded needs to be taken before you install Best Linux for PS3.Dual boot can be given to the Ps3 which means that you can use the regular OS and also use Linux on the Ps3 at the same time.

Decision of selecting the Best Linux for PS3 can be a bit difficult as in the market there are different versions available these days. It must be remembered that some of the versions may not support your Ps3 well especially because it has the 8 core versions. One particular version is the Yellow Dog Linux that supports the cores of Ps3 and it also has several advantages. Since Yellow Dog Linux was specifically designed for the Ps3 only it is one of the Best Linux for PS3. Your Ps3s hardware as well as its features get best supported by this version.

You don't have to worry about the warranty of the Ps3 with the Best Linux for PS3 installed on it. With the new installation of the transmutation that takes place internally inside the gaming machine converts it into a raging personal computer. Being technically savvy is not necessary as the uploading of Best Linux for PS3 is a very simple process. All that you need to do is follow step by step instructions diligently. For more detailed information you must look up PS3Magicthat is most resourceful in the present times. It has loads of information on upgrading Ps3s into a computer which you can avail at the click of a button.

Read more about Best Linux for PS3 in the newly published Linux for PS3 Review for more information.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/software-articles/what-is-the-best-linux-for-ps3-4571612.html
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